Addressee Name
Job Title, Company
Dear Mr xxxxx
“Reclaim Up To £300k* of Your Missing Assets At No Cost With Our Free Trial!”
Every vehicle that goes AWOL due to a contract default costs your company thousands of pounds in lost capital assets, unearned revenue and search efforts.
First ANPR Ltd is a leader in ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology. That’s why we’re equipped to help you with one of your most costly challenges: recovery of your defaulted hire purchase or lease vehicles.
With our free trial, we’re offering you the one-off opportunity to reclaim up to 10 missing vehicles from your wanted list totally free of cost.
Try Our Recovery Service Now For Free
To take advantage, all you have to do is register 10 vehicles on your current offender file with the First ANPR Ltd database. It’s a big saving to you. Our normal registration charge is £49.50 + VAT* per missing vehicle.
But the true value to you is far more. Based on a calculation taking into account average search costs, and assuming that each individual vehicle’s market value is up to £30k, you could be reclaiming well in excess of £300k!
Let Us Find Your Missing Vehicles For You
What are the chances of our recovering up to 10 of your missing vehicles? They’re high. Just check out our UK success rates:
Number of missing vehicles recovered by us in last three years: more than 2,500
Total vehicle value: over £3 million
98-99% Proven Accuracy of Number Plate Recognition
Our surveillance fleet is fitted with a bespoke four-camera detection system to help you track down persistent evaders. It operate nationwide and we can capture the number plates of parked and moving vehicles, even at high speeds of up to 120 mph.
You’ll Save Time and Manpower Too
We’ll do the detective work for you. So there’s no need for you to undertake costly and time-consuming street searches for your missing vehicles yourself.
All We Need Are Your Missing Vehicle Registration Details
You’ll upload these, and any relevant postcode intelligence, to the First ANPR Ltd data system. Then we’ll get to work. All surveillance information is then processed by our sophisticated monitoring platform. The second a match is found, we’ll inform you of your vehicles’ locations – for free.
Vehicle Recovery & Enforcement
Then, it’s up to you to arrange vehicle collection. But, if you’d like the vehicle recovered, we’re here to help too, at an extra charge.
We’re a certified provider of enforcement services so you can rely on our professional bailiffs to clamp and remove each vehicle to your nominated storage place. You can also instruct us to pursue debtor key and registration document recovery on your behalf.
Cut Your Losses Today
To take advantage of our unique offer to secure repossession of up to 10 missing vehicles at absolutely no cost, all we ask is that you respond within 14 days of receipt of this letter.
Go to our website at trial. Or telephone 0845 3567300, quoting ‘Free Recovery Trial’, today.
I look forward to helping you.
Kind regards,
Jim Chesney
Marketing Director, First ANPR Ltd
PS. Why not protect your company ahead? Ask us about our Point of Sale Vehicle Pre-Registration Scheme. It includes our Early Default Mechanism. As soon as we’re informed of your need for vehicle recovery, we’ll act immediately. You can find out more at
* Registration charge payable regardless of recovery outcome.